Address: 6 S West Street
Easton, Maryland 21601
Phone: (410) 819 - 9538

A Letter from Allison & Kevin
First, if you are reading this, thank you. It means that you are at least curious enough to imagine that there may be a different way to meet your primary care needs.
Second, we are dedicated healthcare and human services professionals with decades of experience between us. Allison grew up in the community she serves for more than a decade as a family nurse practitioner--raised in Trappe; graduated from Salisbury University with her Masters of Science in Nursing in 2008. She practiced for most of her career with Choptank Community Health System in Cambridge.
Kevin is a lawyer turned behavioral health nurse. He managed a law office in Easton from 2011 until 2017. He graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Salisbury University in 2017. After nursing school, he worked for private, state, and federal hospital systems in Maryland and Washington, DC.
We understand how impersonal large healthcare systems can be and how dehumanized they can make you feel. We worked in those environments. We felt the same way often. While we value the work our colleagues do at large healthcare systems, we think the large system approach to healthcare may not healthy for all patients and providers. We saw that in our community there were no affordable alternatives to large healthcare systems. We wanted to do something about it.
We wanted to bring back the personal, affordable, and accessible primary care we remember growing up. We remember growing up with small community primary care clinics. We were neighbors. We saw each other around town–at the grocery store and on the soccer field with their kids. Their clinics were familiar and personal. They knew us, our families, and made time to discuss our goals. We think we can practice primary care that way. So, we founded Nightingale Health.
At Nightingale Health, we want to serve a smaller community in a more accessible and personal way than larger healthcare systems can. Using the Direct Primary Care model, we think Nightingale Health can deliver personal and convenient primary care at a lower cost than conventional primary care from fee-for-service larger systems dependent on insurance payments.
Operating an insurance agnostic model of primary care, we will not bill your insurance for any services. Ever. The monthly fee payment may be eligible for your annual deductible, FSA, and/or HSA. You will need to check with your insurance provider if you have one. We will strive to give you what you need to minimize your costs. Your costs for testing, diagnostics, and other third-party provided services might be covered by your insurance.
If you don’t have insurance, you can still be a member. We want to provide you the same high level of care regardless of insurance at a reasonable price. We believe that people should not have to go bankrupt to take care of themselves. With that in mind, we negotiated pricing for with local third-party testing and diagnostic providers for our uninsured members. We do our best to maximize savings to our members.
We grew tired of the state of primary care where we live. We wanted something local, personal, and accessible. At Nightingale Health, we want to take the time to help you with your goals on your schedule. We want to help you take care of you. We hope you will let us join your team by becoming a member.